The programme is located within the existing structure of Plymouth's Pannier Market aiming to re-connect the local community, that has become segregated from the town centre over the last 50 years. The market has always been a focal point of the cities industries and income, initially located on the site of the current Drake Circus shopping centre - “tin pan alley”.

To re-introduce a thriving market and decrease the disconnect present in the city there is the proposition to introduce a transportation system, with the aim of creating links areas of Plymouth that have become separated as cars became more popular. The increased links to surrounding areas places a large emphasis on the process of procession through the city, which is the main driving force behind our practice masterplan
Within the market there is a large variety of key spaces that are built around the moment of people between the transport links and the city centre. The liminal space hosts a series of pause and contemplation whilst providing the grounds for a market place building and getting from one place to another - generally between the different tram routes. Though this is the case, there are many areas for people to pause, contemplate and observe the hive of activity around them within the market floor of Convergence.

The Perception of Pigment public spaces combine the parks current day to day users - go walkers, with the new influx of artists. Spaces such as the art gardens, and the concrete bases on the brick uprights that remain public, will offer a permanent space for graffiti (an art form currently viewed as anti-social) to be expressed and viewed and further accepted by everyone that passes through the proposal.

Contextual experiments exploring light perforations during the 'rise to heaven'

Group Credits: Josh Earl, Robert Forsey, Tom Harris, Ruben Le Sueur, Ollie Murton, Ryan Barriball