The focus surrounding the Perception of Pigment is to be able to offer 'rebirth' to everything that is seen as redundant though therapy of mind, restorative processes and the acceptance of taboo subjects within the Stonehouse area in Plymouth.

The Perception of Pigment aims to facilitate a series of restorative processes on inanimate objects seen as broken and useless whilst running parallel to the rebirth of mind though the means of art therapy. Within the proposal there is a series of spaces both public and private, allowing the expressive processes to happen alongside one another.
A series of viewing spaces expose the process of reclamation making the back of house the new front of house before the 'broken' completes its transition to the viewing gallery, auction house and community beyond

The Perception of Pigment public spaces combine the parks current day to day users - go walkers, with the new influx of artists. Spaces such as the art gardens, and the concrete bases on the brick uprights that remain public, will offer a permanent space for graffiti (an art form currently viewed as anti-social) to be expressed and viewed and further accepted by everyone that passes through the proposal.

The proposal is located within the 'Flows Both Ways' masterplanning scheme. The scheme focused upon the global FABcity initiative focusing on a cities ability to be self productive, which has a completion date in 2054. Our practices masterplan focused upon 3 manifesto points:
- Ecology
- People Centred
- Locally Productive
Through our framework strategy, our focus is to create a strong ‘community’ around the park, which hosts numerous facilities that supplement one another, whilst allowing the development of an increasingly ecologically varied space that allows park users to use the space for pause.

As a practice, we chose to follow the history of the site and focused our ecology on the re-introduction of the creek that previously supported a series of species in Stonehouse, the creek would allow there to be an increase in the ecology on site as well as creating a more varied environment than the mono-culture that is currently found on the site. The introduction of the creek would act as a catalyst for the increase in ecology, this can be seen in the masterplanning scheme that was created throughout Victoria Park: providing a locally productive, ecologically stable environment that can support the human race.

Our proposed masterplan, aiming to re introduce the creek into Stonehouse as a productive and ecologically vast piece of land - that re-connects the communities of Stonehouse and Stoke.